There's a new archive community and it's just for Kanjani8-centric fic.
k8_libraryit's pretty awesome~~ no actual fic is hosted there though. It's just a way for people who want to read something in particular (a pairing or drama based or maybe something to ease your mood) to be able to find it! It has all kinds of fic there all ready for you to click and
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We finished writing this song in the morning of our concert, 2 years ago, and I put into the title the feeling, "I want to have something really important in my life". (Shibutani Subaru)
May Popolo 2006 issue, comment about the song ONE from F.T.O album. Credit: chuu_girl@Kansha_ni_Eight
Favorite is still when Orange goes to attack and he gets defeated in the most wacked out way lol actually Orange is my favorite during this entire thing. Green seeming so tired and bored during the opening lol